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empxform File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
EmpParser.cpp [code]Implementation of class extract info from an rmp file
EmpParser.h [code]Class extract info from an rmp file
main.cpp [code]Main entry point
PlayListConverter.cpp [code]Implementation of class to convervt rmp files to other formats
PlayListConverter.h [code]Definition of class to convervt rmp files to other formats
RmpInfo.h [code]Structures for info extracted from rmp files
StringUtils.cpp [code]String processing utils
StringUtils.h [code]String utility functions
xmlutils.cpp [code]Implementation of xml util functions
xmlutils.h [code]Some utility functions to make the gnome xml library more tolerable

Generated on Sat May 3 09:16:13 2003 for empxform by doxygen1.3-rc3